Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Cleopatra VIII

The Last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra is a historical figure that is remembered for her life, her love and especially her death. The great Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra is often seen as a symbol of female power in the ancient world, which in some ways she was. She is also remembered for her dramatic death and love affairs with foreign politicians.

Although she became the Pharaoh of Egypt, she and her family were not actually of Egyptian decent. They were really Macedonians who had immigrated to Egypt during the time of Alexander the Great.

 Cleopatra was actually the third Daughter in her Family and therefore there was no expectation that she would ever receive the throne. However after the deaths of her two elder sisters, Cleopatra became pharaoh at the age of 17. Her reign lasted 21 years, between 51 and 30 BCE. Because of how infamous she became it often assumed that she was the one and only Cleopatra, but in fact there were 7 other women of the same name in the Ptolemaic dynasty and therefore she is officially Cleopatra VIII. Her Full name was Cleopatra VIII Thea Philopator.

Cleopatra had 3 different husbands throughout her life, her younger brother Ptolemy XIII, who was only 12 at the time. They were married for approximately 4 years before his premature death (drowning). She also married her other younger brother her other younger brother Ptolemy XIV, and Marc Anthony. However these were not the only love affairs Cleopatra had during her lifetime. Cleopatra also had a widely publicized affair, and possibly marriage with Julius Caesar, which produced a son: Caesarian, who was later strangled.

Cleopatra also had 3 other Children from Mark Anthony. Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene II who were twins, in addition to Ptolemy Philadelphus.

Cleopatra was a very intelligent individual, a fact that is often overlooked. She was fluent in at least 9 languages, and was the only individual in the Ptolemaic Dynasty that could speak Egyptian. She was also a very charismatic individual, she had the power to persuade as well as seduce others.

The Queens death is seen by many as a tragic ending to a great love story. Her husband, Mark Anthony committed suicide on the battlefield after being deceived into believing that Cleopatra herself was dead. Once this news came to Cleopatra, she took an asp (an Egyptian cobra) and got it to bite her in the breast. This type of death, by Egyptian beliefs would ensure immortality

However this is not the entire story, what is lacking in this tale is that Octavian was also in the process of invading Egypt. Cleopatra and her children had been taken as prisoners. It is more likely that Cleopatra realized that she had been defeated and did not want to be made an example of by the Romans now that her husband was no longer around to protect her. She was the last Pharaoh of Egypt because following her Suicide Egypt became a Roman territory.

Her love life, charisma, and her political moves ensured that Cleopatra would go down as one of the most famous queens in history. Her story is still celebrated today through movies, books and myth.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Napoleon Bonaparte

We have all heard of the famous Napoleon Bonaparte, the self crowned emperor of France, and he is no doubt considered a very important historical figure, especially in European
history. He is a central figure in most High- school history classes and therefore is often despised by general public. But there are something’s that are not taught to you in those history classes that I would like to share with you.

Napoleon is often compared to 2 other leaders in history, Alexander the great of Mesopotamia, and Adolf Hitler. At first this might not make sense but the historical record
shows that all three of these individuals attempted to conquer as much land as humanly possible, and each coming precariously close to conquering the known world in their given time. In addition to the amount of territory that Napoleon procured for himself, Napoleon like these other leaders was considered to be both a charismatic leader and a tyrant. Hitler in his time brought Germany out of a depression that was caused by the Treaty of Versailles. Similarly Napoleon helped to create order in France after the revolution.

Something that you have undoubtedly seen or read is that Napoleon was a very short man. Although he is often portrayed in that way today in modern media, he was actually of average height. Something that has not been taken into consideration is that at the time the French foot was 13 inches instead of 12. This mistake has continued to this day, when in fact Napoleon Bonaparte was 5'6.

Bonaparte was not actually French by birth; he was the son of a lower nobleman on the island of Corsica. The only reason he ever came to France was that his father had beenoffered a job on the continent. It was only then that Napoleon's brilliance began to get noticed at the military college that he attended. He graduated at the age of 16(5 years sooner than most of his
contemporaries) it was during this time that his intelligence in the way of battle strategies and charisma shone.

During his reign Napoleon had many successful campaigns throughout Europe and Africa. However he also did had many failures, which he tried to cover up as fast as possible. One of those unsuccessful campaigns took place in modern-day Russia. Like his predecessors and those after him, he attempted to enter the area during the winter. Most of Napoleons men died from either starvation or exposure to the cold. If there is one this to learn in history class, is to stay out of Russia in the winter!

Napoleon's first wife, Josephine, considered by many to be the love of his life, was actually 6 years older than him. At the time of their divorce, they were both having affairs. However this was not the reason for their divorce. Their separation was due to the fact that Josephine could not produce an heir for her husband. Even after the couple had divorced and Napoleon had remarried, he still went to Josephine as a trusted advisor in both his political and personal life. Napoleons second wife Marie-Louise was substantially younger than he and in fact did
produce the heir that Napoleon had been waiting for. Marie-Louise, the archduchess of Austria, was also the Grand-Niece to Marie Antoinette.

Many people have seen portraits that were painted of the emperor, always in the same position: turned slightly to the side and hand placed in the front of his jacket. Some people speculate that this position was customary for those in power, a power stance, if you will. Others on the other hand state that this position was due to Napoleons chronic stomach pain, caused by the stomach ulcer that allegedly eventually took his life.

Something that remained long after Napoleons death was that of his law systems, called the Napoleonic Code. Much of this system still exists today in modern legislation.

A quote that is attributed to Napoloeon is that of " Absolute power corrupts Absolutely." I wonder what Napoleon would have considered his power, did he think himself to be corrupt? Another very well known quote that was spoken by the French emperor was something that many people in our society do not realize. Napoleon was the first peron quoted saying the phrase
"a picture is worth a thousand words."

Napoleon was indeed a brilliant military mastermind who had enough charisma to charm a nation. But there was much more to him that that. It is the small things in someones life that often show us their real character, such as their relationship to their wife, or their background. Napoleon is one of the great historical figures that we study today, hopefully facts like this will make him a bit more interesting to study.