Saturday, 7 April 2012

Marie Antoinette

Born as Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna on November 2nd 1755 in Vienna Austria, Marie Antoinette was the fifteenth child in her family. During her childhood she was educated very well, as would have been expected of an aristocratic child.

After the seven years war, Austria and France were both very interested in creating alliances that would prevent war and strengthen military connections. So they arranged that the young heir to the French throne and Marie would marry. This plot was created by their families when the young betrothed were less than 12 years old.

Once the young Queen arrived in France she had difficulty time adjusting to the new culture and various things that were expected of her. The young couple also faced many problems including the fact that in many ways they were opposite of each other. Louis was a very introverted man who enjoyed spending time alone doing solitary activities. While his wife was extravagant and very outgoing.
Initial Fears that the marriage had not been properly consumated were finally relieved when the couple concieved and Antoinette gave birth to their daughter Marie Therese Charlotte.

Due to her outgoing personality and luxurious lifestyle the queen was  a magnet for controversy and scandal. Antoinette spent a great deal of time without her husband and was rumoured to have had an affair with the swedish diplomat Count Axel Von Ferson. Propaganda was spread throughout France stating the queen's extravagant spending and ignorance to the problems of her subjects. One of the most infamous things that antoinette allegedly said when asked how to feed the hungry or France was that they should just eat cake.

When French Workers stormed the Bastille Prison in Paris starting the French revolution, Antoinette took charge by meeting with officials and sending letters while her husband appeared to have been frozen in a state of shock, unable to react accordingly. This action led to the nickname of Madame Veto, because she appeared to have been taking political control in place of the king.

In june 1791 The royal family attempted to escape the chaos that was ensuing but were unfourtunately captured and returned to Paris. In January of 1793 the king was tried and convicted of treason by the revolters and was put to death.

During The Reign of terror, a tiemperiod that was filled with hundreds of deaths Marie Antoinette was charged with several crimes including theft, treason and sexually abusing her son. LIke her husband Antoinette was sentenced to death by guillotine.

Due to the French revolution and its consequences, Antoinette was the last Queen of France. Her reign is subject to both ridicule and admiration, depending upon which source you care to look at it.

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